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Playlists from August 13, 2016 through July 15, 2017 (page 33 of 37)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Interviews: Edgar Winter, Steve Katz, Jonathan Edwards
Some Psychedelic Music and More

Monday, October 3, 2016

Car Peel Out
First day of the new Fall Season at WMBR
Steve Reich's 80th Birthday Celebration
the usual Lost & Found-related birthdays and recent deaths, starting off as I always do with........ The Bubblin' Under...
Heebie Jeebies
Volume 22, Episode 1
All new material to the WMBR record library (except requests - hint, hint...)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

A Nice Cool Night to Get "steamed up" w/ Great R&B Love Songs..."For Your Pleasure"!!!
Up for Debate

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Requests welcome, and - No, PJ is _not_ here tonight. NO, PJ is NOT on-air. No, PJ is _not_ ...
So Long, Summer Season...
brandy new
How Touching.
Alex McNeil filling in for John Funke
the Squeezebox Stompers, live at 9:30
Hits from the week of October 1, 1966

Friday, September 30, 2016

Asylum for the Poor, Prison for the Bankers
No Voot No Playlist
Covering the Rolling Stones
Today's Theme? Songs I Like
R.I.P. Jean Shepard
"Don't tell me how to shine" --Syd Barret

Thursday, September 29, 2016

the whole fabric of credit and corporation finance is a tissue of make-believe
Rock and Soul Music

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tenth show (Summer season finale)
There's no debate--this is going to be a great show.
Yes on 4; No on Trump

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

a little slapdash
Fresh Produce
we got yr musix right here, pal
Music recorded on this Date in Years Past
Interview: "Reverend" Tor Krautter of tribute "The Last Waltz Live"

Monday, September 26, 2016

the Bats in Autumn
Buchla: Ciani, C. Cohen, Cortini, First, K. A. Smith and Subotnick
Happy Birthday Mark Dresser!
"i can't die"
Session 14: LPs (33s, 45s, and 78s) from the WMBR Vaults
the lastttttttt show

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Drill Drill Drill. Dugga Dugga Dugga

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hello MM fans, it sure feels like fall outside, time for hoodies and jeans, the feel of the crisp cool air. So let's enjoy a little libation, some cuddling, and make this a night to remember
Running loooowwwww on energy today
With GUEST DJ Michael!
PAT NAUSEUM: These Boots Are Made For McPreachers
Repeat When Necessary
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